Myofascial Decompression Technique ™

Myofascial Decompression Technique ™

This course is provided ONLY internationally through the American Academy of Physical Therapy in collaboration with Dr. Christopher Daprato who is the innovator of the MFD technique. If you wish to take this certification course in the US, please visit


Myofascial Decompression Technique Certification

About the Course

The majority of manual therapy we utilize is very compressive in nature: STM, MFR, joint mobilizations, etc... Myofascial Decompression (MFD) is one of the few techniques that works in the decompression of the connective tissue and musculoskeletal systems. The needs assessment presented for the MFD course will integrate negative pressure tools with Western evidence- based physiologic principles and evidence- based medical foundations.

This course will review the structural functions of connective tissue elements in various layers of tissues and pathologies, expose the clincian to the large variety of IASTM tools that are now out in the market, and propose general treatment strategies for common orthopedic and sports impairments.

In this  course you will learn to increase the efficiency of motion with negative pressure tools through fascial mobility and neuromuscular re-education. The IASTM techniques in this course will take the “sore thumb” out of integrating a strong manual based approach to musculoskeletal disorders.

Participants will be able to evaluate their ability to intervene appropriately using IASTM tools by describing safety, competency, precautions, contraindications, and appropriate timing, and demonstrating effective interventions with efficient approach and mechanics.

Prior knowledge of basic manual therapy concepts and movement science is recommended.

Course is 60% lab, and 40% didactic. Student to Faculty PT <16:1


It is our goal as clinicians to restore function to our patients as quickly as possible. The techniques in this course will decrease the difficulty of integrating a strong manual based approach to musculoskeletal disorders with movement pattern re-education. MFD is one of the few techniques that increases the space for mobility compared with most other manual therapy compressive interventions.

Level 1 Objectives


  • Review the layers, subunits, and functional role of the connective tissue system in MSK disorders. Summarize the up to date science on stretching, posture, and length-tension curves.

  • Define the functions of fibroblasts, faciacytes, ground substance, and as they relate to tissue texture abnormalities and movement. Distinguish differences in manual therapy approaches utilizing various IASTM tools and the difference in movement-driven STM.

  • Describe common IASTM interventions that improve mobility of the MSK system, as it relates to neuromuscular re-education and movement. Summarize all precautions and contraindications

Level 1 Course Goals

The goal of this course is to provide clinicians with new hands-on manual therapy tools and approaches to treat the myofascial system and integrate their understanding of movement and neuromuscular re-education with manual therapy. Techniques to include appropriate application of soft tissue mobilization with cuptherapy, guasha, and other IASTM approaches, with precautions and contraindications.

Level 2 Objectives


  • Understand how to operate the precision MFD pump at specific mmHg to target specific tissue layers.

  • Understand how to utilize MFD to assist with lymphatic flow and dysfunction.

  • Understand the basic principles of muscle inhibition and how to utilize MFD for inhibitory influence to promote improvements in coordination and movement efficiency.

  • Understand the basic principles of kinesthetic awareness and proprioception and then integrating MFD with kinesthetic awareness cueing to improve movement efficiency.

  • Be able to combine MFD techniques (extensibility, inhibition, and kinesthetic awareness) with neuromuscular re-education principles to build a program for specific sport populations.

  • Demonstrate application of MFD to treat specific sport populations including cyclists, runners, swimmers, golfers, contact sport athletes & throwing athletes.

  • Administer specific intermediate neuromuscular re-education principles after MFD to restore optimal function, as demonstrated in the lab portion of class.

The goal of this course is to provide clinicians with a new perspective on various negative pressures and tissue layer effects, including macro and microstructures. Hands-on manual therapy techniques and approaches for the musculoskeletal, neurologic, and lymphatic system will provide the learner a systematic approach to physiologic integration of subsystems In the human body and integrate their understanding of movement science and neuromuscular re- education with manual therapy. Techniques to include appropriate application of soft tissue mobilization with proper identification of active vs latent trigger points and specific fascial plane restrictions. Inhibition techniques will be paired with efficient activation patterns, with an review of faciliation interventions and movement awareness.

Level 2 Course Goals

The goal of this course is to provide clinicians with a new perspective on various negative pressures and tissue layer effects, including macro and microstructures. Hands-on manual therapy techniques and approaches for the musculoskeletal, neurologic, and lymphatic system will provide the learner a systematic approach to physiologic integration of subsystems In the human body and integrate their understanding of movement science and neuromuscular re- education with manual therapy. Techniques to include appropriate application of soft tissue mobilization with proper identification of active vs latent trigger points and specific fascial plane restrictions. Inhibition techniques will be paired with efficient activation patterns, with an review of faciliation interventions and movement awareness.

Improve Outcomes with:

  • Chronic orthopedic issues
  • Sports injuries
  • Neck and Back problems
  • Inefficient movement patterns
  • Scar mobilization
  • Shoulder/Rotator Cuff Pathology
  • IT band Friction Syndrome
  • Achilles Tendinopathy
  • Medial/Lateral Epicondylitis
  • Sciatica
  • Knee injuries
  • Ankle injuries
  • Plantar fasciitis
  • Muscle hypertonicity
  • Post-surgical adhesions
  • Contractures
  • Overuse injuries
  • Postural syndromes
  • Rib dysfunctions
  • Decreased flexibility











  • $900
  • Instructor Dr. Christopher DaPrato
  • Duration 3 days
  • Hours 24 hours (Live)
  • Language English
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